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St Anthony'sCatholic Primary School and Pre-school

'Children in our heart, Christ at the centre''We love, we learn and we live'.

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St Anthony'sCatholic Primary School and Pre-school

Introducing the PSA Committee


Joanne Walsh – Chair

I am the current Chair of St Anthony’s PSA.  I am one of the elected committee members that serve you as members of the PSA that make collaborative decisions about how the money that we raise is best spent on the children and the enrichment of their time at St Anthony’s.

I have worked in the healthcare sector for 30 years; my background is a world away from fundraising but it’s an enjoyable change from the day-to-day job and it is something I feel immensely proud to be part of.  It is incredible to be part of a small group of dedicated people that put so much into creating the best environment for the children to learn and flourish throughout their primary school education.

I live in a busy household with 4 children and a dog.  My eldest daughter is 19 years old and is a keen supporter of the PSA, my next daughter, is 15 years is also a keen supporter and both as former pupils, I then have a son, who is currently in year 6 and a daughter, who is in year 4.  I am blessed that my children are supportive and understanding of the time that is given to the PSA and actively like to be part of the fundraising behind the scenes.


Gemma Pullen – Treasurer

Hi, I am Gemma, mum of two sons one year 6 and one in preschool. Our eldest son has experienced 5 schools, due to military moves and St Anthony's has undoubtedly been the strongest, not just in academics but also in values both as a teacher pupil community and a wider parent community. It is wonderful to be part of the school PSA, able to support so many amazing initiatives to improve the children's environment and experience. As well as being able to do this with other parents, who in turn become friends


Clare Hulme – Secretary

I joined the PSA as I wanted to play a small part in my son’s education, and this for me was a way that I could give back to the school for all that they do for our children.

For the last 5 years I have worked as the Charity Administrator for a local children’s charity.  Much of my time is spent fundraising for the charity, admin and anything else that they need me to do.  No two days are the same, I could be preparing accounts one day, lambing sheep the next, or helping a youngster that is struggling.

Home life if very busy for us, my husband and I live onsite where we work.  We run a flock of 60 rare breed sheep, alongside a flock of chickens and ducks, as well as 2 dogs.   Our son is in year 2, and loves school.


Nicole Allward - Ordinary Committee Member

I moved to the UK with my family in 2021 when my husband (Royal Canadian Navy) was posted to a position with the Royal Navy.  I have one daughter in Year 1 at St Anthony's and another in Preschool.  I've been a general member of the PSA since spring of 2024 and really enjoy helping to organise and put on all the activities which make St Anthony's such a wonderful school.  


David Wyllie – Ordinary Committee Member

Originally from Glasgow I moved to the area in 2013 while I was in the Royal Air Force.  After getting married in 2015 my wife, Mary joined me and we have been in the local area ever since. Our oldest son started at St Anthony’s Preschool in 2020 before starting Year R in 2022.  He has now been followed by our youngest who is also in the Preschool.  I feel like it’s important to be part of the PSA committee even with limited time to be in a position to help out the school for the benefit of all of the pupils when I can.
