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St Anthony'sCatholic Primary School and Pre-school

'Children in our heart, Christ at the centre''We love, we learn and we live'.

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St Anthony'sCatholic Primary School and Pre-school

Catholic Social Teaching

The principles of Catholic Social Teaching are things we practise and teach all the time with the children in our school.  Ultimately, it is part of our charism: we are trying to nurture kind leaders of the future.  By that, we mean people who will lead by example, people who will change the world and make it a better place.


Each classroom has a Catholic Social Teaching display so that teachers can make regular reference to the principles when they are teaching.  


The seven Catholic Social Teaching principles that we share with the children are:

Human Dignity - we believe everyone is special

Solidarity - we believe we are all one big family

Common Good - we strive to think about what is the best for everyone

Subsidiarity - we think everyone should have a say

Participation - we all want to work and contribute to our communities

Stewardship - we need to care for the earth and God's creation

Preferential Option for the Poor - we believe some people need extra help
