Our Ethos and Values
St Anthony’s is a Catholic school where the message of Christ inspires the curriculum and all aspects of school life.
The St Anthony’s mission statement is ‘Children in our heart, Christ at the centre. We love, we learn and we live.’ To live out this mission, we are guided and led by our Catholic ethos that places the Catholic Social Teaching principles of Human Dignity and the Common Good at the heart of our school. We recognise that each of us is unique and loved by God and we are called to lead by example, as Christ did, to show respect and love to every person because each of us is made in the image of God. We aim to give children the opportunities to develop and demonstrate their capability of being kind leaders of the future, who lead by example and make a positive difference to society.
Religious education is in accordance with Roman Catholic doctrine and practice and based on the Portsmouth Diocese scheme ‘God Matters’.
Within our school, you will find:
· a welcoming happy atmosphere;
· a love of learning;
· happy, well-behaved children;
· an emphasis on the part played by family and Church in each child’s development.
St Anthony’s aims to give your child an excellent all-round education with an enthusiasm and zest that will make his/her school days the best they can possibly be. Our broad and balanced curriculum aims to enrich personal formation and nurture enquiring minds to support pupils to become well-rounded and responsible citizens. It promotes knowledge, understanding, skills and values in the context of spiritual, moral, intellectual, physical and social development. "As parents we hugely value the emphasis the school places on who the children will grow up to be, not just the results that they will get, and this is largely down to the Catholic values that underpin everything the school does." (Parent Survey)
British Values
The Government set out its definition of British values in the 2011 Prevent Strategy. At St Anthony's, these values are reinforced regularly as can be seen in the curriculum summary above.