Home Page

St Anthony'sCatholic Primary School and Pre-school

'Children in our heart, Christ at the centre''We love, we learn and we live'.

Home Page

St Anthony'sCatholic Primary School and Pre-school

Our Staff

Our staff are very friendly and ready to help, so do come and say hello to us:


The School Leadership Team:

Mrs K Straker - Headteacher

Mrs L Leask - Deputy Headteacher

Mr T Bint - Assistant Headteacher


Teaching Staff:

Ms A Reid - Preschool 

Mrs K Adams - Year R

Miss M Morgan - Year 1

Miss C Johnson - Year 2

Mrs P Wallace and Mrs S Inwards - Year 3

Mrs R White and Mrs R Davis - Year 4

Mrs R Marshman - Year 5

Mr T Bint and Mrs A McDermott - Year 6


Learning Support Assistants:

Mrs Brown, Miss Katie, Mrs Smith, Mrs Staley, Mrs Vincent-Spall and Mrs Watson - Preschool

Mrs Greenacre and Mrs Sturdey - Year R 

Miss Tudgey - Year 1 

Mrs Barratt and Mrs Viner - Year 2

Mrs Taylor - Year 3 

Mrs Osbourne and Mrs Vivian - Year 4

Miss Buchanan, Mrs Dyer and Miss Jenna - Year 5

Mrs Cornish - Year 6

Mrs Read - Pupil Premium


Office Staff:

Mrs H Stephen - School Business Manager

Mrs K Swatton

Mrs V Robertson


Peripatetic Teacher:

Mrs J O'Driscoll


ELSA and Home School Link Worker:

Mrs L Nail


SENDCo and Pupil Premium:

Mrs S Inwards

Mrs F Read


Senior Mental Health Leader

Mrs R Davis


Site Manager:

Mr T Reeve






