In Years 5 and 6, children have the opportunity to become a member of our Growing in Faith Together (GIFT) team. Members of the GIFT team are passionate about sharing their faith with other children in the school and they do this by preparing and leading collective worship with other classes.
They also lead our school by helping to choose the charities that we will support each year, particularly during Advent and Lent when we try to focus on those who need the most help.
"I am passionate about the school and my faith. I am not afraid to stand up for myself and show people that everyone matters." (A member of our GIFT team)
There are other opportunities for children in Key Stage 2 to take on responsibility, lead others and make a difference to our school. These include our Sports Leaders (who lead games at lunchtimes), Peer Mediators (who help resolve any friendship issues at lunchtimes) and our Year 6 Prefect team (who include House Captains, Year Prefects, Librarians and Assembly Prefects).