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St Anthony'sCatholic Primary School and Pre-school

'Children in our heart, Christ at the centre''We love, we learn and we live'.

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St Anthony'sCatholic Primary School and Pre-school

Our Governors

Welcome to the Governors’ section of our school website.


Chair of Governors Welcome:

On behalf of the Governing Body, I am delighted to welcome you to the St. Anthony’s Catholic Primary School website. We hope that through the pages and different features of our website, you will be able to get a real understanding of what a special place St. Anthony’s is. 

As governors, we are very proud to be part of both the local community and the governing body of St. Anthony’s. We are fully committed to working with Mrs Straker and the staff, the children and parents/carers to make St. Anthony’s the best it can be!

Part of our role as governors is to set the vision and strategic direction of the school and to achieve this we have worked with the school leadership team to ensure that your child receives the best possible education they can, in a safe, secure and nurturing environment. 

Our governing body consists of a diverse group of people from many different backgrounds, including parent governors, and the different skillset that each governor brings to the group allows us to effectively support and challenge the leadership team as a ‘critical friend’. All with the aim of improving all aspects of the school, including raising both attainment and achievement and ensuring your child needs are carefully met. 

I am very proud to be part of such a caring school where everyone works so hard to give every child the best possible experience and education. 

We send out termly Governor newsletters to our parent body. All of the past issues of these are available here: 

You can also read more about our Governors in our ‘meet the governor’ pages:

Attendance records and pecuniary interests for the previous academic year are available at the bottom of this page. 

Thank you for reading and do check out our extensive website for much more information about the school. 

Torion Bowles
Chair of Governors
St. Anthony’s Catholic Primary School, Primate Road. Titchfield Common. PO14 4RP. 

Core Functions

Our governing board exists to provide strong strategic leadership to the school, ensuring accountability for its educational and financial performance.

The Governance Handbook assigns 3 core functions to the board:
•    Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
•    Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
•    Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent. 


Our Governors

Chair of Governors – Torion Bowles
Vice Chair – Luke Bower 
Clerk – Vanessa Robertson

Our Governors are Foundation (appointed by the Bishop), Co-opted, Parent or Staff Governors.
Each Governor sits on a subcommittee (Standards and Admissions / Resources, Management, Audit and Risk) as well as the full governing body. 


Governor Committee Members and Roles 2024-25




Governor type

Subcommittee membership





Associate member

Standards & Admissions

Resources, Management, Audit & Risk

Tom Bint








Luke Bower








Torion Bowles








Anita Fitzpatrick








Lindsey Leask    üü 

Rebecca Marshman








Michael McPhillips








Kerry Meredith







ü (Chair)

Rose Leslie








Gaye Perry








Michele Rix








Fr. Ansel D’Mello








Katrina Straker








Anne Taylor






ü (Chair)


Michelle Taylor








Andrew Williamsü     ü



Responsible Officer - Michele Rix

Health & Safety - Gaye Perry

Safeguarding & Attendance - Anita Fitzpatrick

Development & Training Governor - Torion Bowles

Each Governor is assigned to areas of the School Improvement Plan (SIP) and/or the Curriculum & Provision Action Plan to monitor in line with our school monitoring and visits policy. 

If you are interested in becoming a Governor, please contact the Chair of Governors via the school office. 


The Catholic Academy Trust in South Hampshire
St. Anthony’s Catholic Primary School is an Academy within The Catholic Academy Trust in South Hampshire. 

The Catholic Academy Trust in South Hampshire has been set up as a multi academy model, with St. Anthony’s as the sole Academy school currently within the trust. Our address is Primate Road, Titchfield Common, PO14 4RP. 

The Catholic Academy Trust in South Hampshire is formed of:
Reverend James McAuley
Right Reverend Philip Egan
Canon Paul James Smith
Mrs Mary Breen

Mrs Heather Hauschild

Torion Bowles
Kerry Meredith

Anne Taylor

The current Articles of Association for the Academy Trust can be found below:

St. Anthony's Governors Pecuniary Interests and Attendance


The report of Governor details, register of interests and attendance is available here for the previous academic years (2021-2022, 2022-2023 and 2023-2024).


The full report for 2024-25 will be available at the end of the current school year.
